Friday, June 6, 2008


REACH the right market; target your audience wisely so that you can maximise your expenditure When it comes to the total quality of a marketing interactions, nothing is more effective than an exhibition. While televisions, radio and magazines do provide extensive coverage for your product, there is nothing quite like an exhibition as an ideal opportunity to directly appeal to your target market by meeting them face-to-face. Exhibition Guide(M) Sdn Bhd project Director Moey Sai Yee believes that the right exhibition is the best marketing tool you can have, It reveals the advantages of participating in an exhibition as a marketing medium. DELIVERING ACTIVE PROSPECTS AND CUSTOMERS TO YOU Exhibitions usually attract tens to hundreds of thousands of visitors in just a few days, depending on the scale of the exhibition. Visitors are actually interested in what is being offered. They have taken the time and effort to attend the event with most of them more than ready to buy at the right opportunity. REACHING THE RIGHT MARKET It is important to target your audience wisely so that you can maximise your expenditure. Exhibitions provide you with a concentrated marketing approach, so you can target which group of audience you want and not the ones you don't want. HARNESSING ALL FIVE SENSES TO DRIVE HOME YOUR MESSAGE Exhibitions allow you to communicate with your customers in the flesh by way of conversation and this personal touch sometimes the key to clinching a deal, Customers want to be able to see your product, touch it, smell it, hear it and taste it for themselves instead of just imagining it and there is no better way to do this than at an exhibition. COST-EFFECTIVE MARKETING Exhibitions allow you to do advance virtually all of your marketing goals at the same time: * from long-term brand building to immediate sales. * from researching the market to generating media coverage. * from launching new products to entertaining loyal customers. * from educating prospects to collecting high-quality leads.

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